Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care

What is Emergency Dental Treatment?
Dental emergencies can strike kids at any time. Close contact sports might mean a tooth that’s broken or falling out or they might have severe tooth pain caused by decay. No matter the case, we are able to handle the emergency quickly so that your child is able to get back to their daily activities. Dr. Criss takes a calm, comfortable and warm approach when handling emergencies for children.

Why would your child need Emergency Dental Treatment?
Your child may need emergency dental treatment if they’re in pain or if an appliance has broken or fallen out of their mouth. It is important to bring them in to see us as soon as you begin to notice there is a problem. Some common pediatric emergencies we see regularly include:

• Broken or cracked teeth
• Teeth that have fallen out (due to trauma)
• Pain and abscesses
• Orthodontic appliances that have broken or fallen out
• Loose or lost restorations (crowns, fillings)

What are the benefits of immediate Emergency Dental Treatment?
Dental emergencies don’t often go away on their own. In fact, pain can continue to fester and cause an infection that can compromise the health and happiness of your child. We work to get emergency cases seen as quickly as possible, so be sure to call us if you begin to notice there’s something wrong. We can often handle emergency treatment at the same time as your child’s appointment.

What can you expect when you bring your child in for Emergency Dental Treatment?
We will work to schedule a convenient appointment for you and your child. We will typically take an x-ray of the tooth that’s bothering your child. We will be able to find the problem and create a treatment plan specific to handling the emergency. We will get to work right away in treating and handling the situation. If an infection is found, antibiotics are necessary before any work is able to be done. Our goal is to provide quick, efficient emergency relief when your child needs it the most.

If your child is dealing with a dental emergency, contact our office and we will work to get them in immediately.